Thursday, August 30, 2012

On The Road: Colorado

We made it!

After 14 hours and finally crossing the border we decided it was time to find refuge at a parking lotl off the interstate alongside a river.

After a good nights rest we took what I would say is the prettiest drive I have ever been on and arived into the vibrant city of Denver, It's going to be one of my favorites I can tell already.

I can't wait for the next couple of days to be filled with good music, sight seeing (in what I hope will someday be my home), and a beautiful wedding with my favorite people in the whole world, my family. It sounds like a pretty awesome time to me.

Thank you Colorado for being just as beautiful as I have always dreamed you would be.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

On The Road: Utah

Our first stop on our family RV expedition was Utah, and boy was it beautiful. 

After 20 hours of driving,  one nights rest, a delightfully refreshing swim, 2 finished books, and a lot of entertainment from baby Nolan's many faces, we finally made it through this beautiful state.

Next stop is Colorado and I would say it's only getting better from here!


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Off He Goes.

With good food, friends, 'story' telling, and a warm fire, we sent Andrew off to Linfield and wished him the best of luck on the beginning of the best four years of his life. 

 I think I speak for all of his friends and family when I say that this is one amazing man. It is going to be quite an ajustment not seeing him everyday, but I know he is going to make the most out of the opportunites placed before him and will come home a little smarter, a little more buff, and every bit as excited for life as he always has been.

Drew, you know I love you and will miss you like crazy.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fresh Brewed Goodness.

    After 17 years of living in Central Oregon I FINALLY went to the Sister's Coffee Company, and boy was it yummy. Between the welcoming and comforting feeling of a big log cabin, my perfectly made Americano, the Gooey Banana Bread, the words of 'Wisdom' we studied, and the faithful company, it was a great morning.

    These two women have been an incredible source of comfort, encouragement, and love in my life these past few years, and I wouldn't be where I was in my walk of faith if it wasn't for them. They are both living examples of God's word and two people that I really look up to.

    Thank you, Hailey and Cynthia for the many coffee filled mornings we have shared and the sence of peace that has come with knowing you two will always be there for me. I love you both.

"The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; 
then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, 
full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."
-James 3:17

Monday, August 20, 2012

One of Those Perfect Days.

It was one of those days that makes you sit back and ask God why you got so lucky. One of those days where everything seemed to go right and nothing could go wrong. One of those days filled with so much laughter your stomach hurt, so much sunshine a shower becomes a little painful, so much dancing that Maroon 5 must have been the most played artist, and so many memories that I am so lucky to have.

I love my family more than anything in this world and I am so thankful for days like these that remind me of just that.

What did you do this weekend?


Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Reunion.

On Friday morning we decided that it was time to have a little reunion. While missing half of the group, Hailey, Lexi, Niki, and I met for coffee to catch up on our summers and remember how much fun our small group had this last year. Even though our group may be splitting into different directions I am so thankful for the time we were all together. From talking about our 'highs and lows' of the week, boy drama, school stresses, and the hours we spent reading God's word it was easily a weekly highlight of mine. Good luck to all of the girls that won't be in Corvallis next year and know that you will be missed! I love you all and can't wait to see you again!


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Dear, Norah Jones

Let's just say that you are quite fabulous.

It was the perfect night to throw down a blanket, eat some Kettle Korn, lay down, shut your eyes, and think about how badly you wish you could sing (or maybe that was just me). Either way, we all had a great time.

 It just doesn't get much better than listening to a beautiful musician while hanging out with a few of your favorite people.
Nope, not really.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Be Still.

After being told to watch this video here, I realized a few things.

I think in today's society Christianity has become more about an image than an intimate relationship with God (bear with me as I am going to hypocritically publicize my faith).

People, myself included, become so caught up with the image of what that perfect christian looks like and can lose sight of what is most important, God's love for us and what he did for us on the cross. Don't get me wrong, I am a firm believer of sharing one's faith, discipling, and proclaiming the word of God, and I think we absolutely should be doing so as long as it is done in love for God and his love for us rather than a publicity stunt to maintain our image.

Following Jesus isn't about that awesome church you belong to, that really cute cross tattoo you have, or that pretty new bible you got. It is about embracing the love that your father has for you and living to resemble that love to all of God's children. I for one am guilty of all of the above and sometimes it takes a sermon like this for me to step back, be still, remember that God has this under control, and remind myself why I have all of these things. I have them because Jesus loves me, not just because I love him.

Monday, August 13, 2012

This Weekend I...

1. Spent a wonderful night at my cousin Kristi's.
2. Went to one of my new favorite places in Bend (Thump Coffee) with Kristi and Kayla .
3. Stole this girl away from Portland.
4. Did what we do
5. Went downtown for a yummy dinner.
 6. Celebrated this handsome man's 20th birthday with some of the best crepes EVER and a pretty cute dog.

All in all I would say it was an awesome weekend.
